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Kimberly-Clark Professional: How to keep your office safe and clean


Updated: Jun 1, 2023

Mid-January is the time when the new working year begins and employees return to their offices again. It is important for employers to create not only a comfortable, but also a safe working environment for their team. Ensuring hygiene in the premises of the company plays a crucial role, because a person spends most of his day at the workplace. Creating cleanliness in the office space significantly increases the motivation of employees and creates a positive impression of the company as a whole. Good hygienic conditions in the office will reduce the number of hours employees are away from work due to illness. Thus, the employer will not have to bear the cost of sick leave and compensation for the work of employees replacing the sick, and the efficiency of the enterprise will remain at a consistently high level. Kimberly-Clark Professional™ offers 5 simple rules to help make your office safer. Step 1: Clean workspace

According to statistics, about 10 million bacteria accumulate on the desktop. During the day, surfaces and places that are touched by a large number of people should be thoroughly cleaned with a detergent or soap. To carry out high-quality cleaning, it is necessary to free the surfaces from objects. Unfortunately, cleansing does not guarantee the complete destruction of germs, but reduces their number, thereby preventing the risk of infection. Therefore, the surface should be additionally treated with a disinfectant and wiped with disposable wiping materials. In the Kimberly-Clark Professional™ range, the WypAll L20 Paper Wiper Roll is the perfect companion for this task, combining efficiency and versatility for everyday cleaning tasks, and also has high strength and absorbency, which reduces material consumption and costs. In addition, the Wypall Wettask™ sealed system is a convenient and mobile surface treatment solution. It is a bucket-dispenser, where washing or disinfecting liquid is poured at the choice of the client, and a roll of non-woven wiping material. Wypall Wettask™ wipes, made of high-tech material, do not leave lint during cleaning and contribute to high-quality disinfection of surfaces. Each employee can take care of the cleanliness of his workplace by wiping his laptop/computer and especially the keyboard and mouse thoroughly. Many do not suspect that the keyboard can contain up to 8900 bacteria. which reduces material consumption and costs. In addition, the Wypall Wettask™ sealed system is a convenient and mobile surface treatment solution. It is a bucket-dispenser, where washing or disinfecting liquid is poured at the choice of the client, and a roll of non-woven wiping material. Wypall Wettask™ wipes, made of high-tech material, do not leave lint during cleaning and promote high-quality disinfection of surfaces. Each employee can take care of the cleanliness of his workplace by wiping his laptop/computer and especially the keyboard and mouse thoroughly. Many do not suspect that the keyboard can contain up to 8900 bacteria. which reduces material consumption and costs. In addition, the Wypall Wettask™ sealed system is a convenient and mobile surface treatment solution. It is a bucket-dispenser, where washing or disinfecting liquid is poured at the choice of the client, and a roll of non-woven wiping material. Wypall Wettask™ wipes, made of high-tech material, do not leave lint during cleaning and contribute to high-quality disinfection of surfaces. Each employee can take care of the cleanliness of his workplace by wiping his laptop/computer and especially the keyboard and mouse thoroughly. Many do not suspect that the keyboard can contain up to 8900 bacteria. It is a bucket-dispenser, where washing or disinfecting liquid is poured at the choice of the client, and a roll of non-woven wiping material. Wypall Wettask™ wipes, made of high-tech material, do not leave lint during cleaning and promote high-quality disinfection of surfaces. Each employee can take care of the cleanliness of his workplace by wiping his laptop/computer and especially the keyboard and mouse thoroughly. Many do not suspect that the keyboard can contain up to 8900 bacteria. It is a bucket-dispenser, where washing or disinfecting liquid is poured at the choice of the client, and a roll of non-woven wiping material. Wypall Wettask™ wipes, made of high-tech material, do not leave lint during cleaning and contribute to high-quality disinfection of surfaces. Each employee can take care of the cleanliness of his workplace by wiping his laptop/computer and especially the keyboard and mouse thoroughly. Many do not suspect that the keyboard can contain up to 8900 bacteria. Each employee can take care of the cleanliness of his workplace by wiping his laptop/computer and especially the keyboard and mouse thoroughly. Many do not suspect that the keyboard can contain up to 8900 bacteria. Each employee can take care of the cleanliness of his workplace by wiping his laptop/computer and especially the keyboard and mouse thoroughly. Many do not suspect that the keyboard can contain up to 8900 bacteria. Step 2: Hygienically Safe Washroom Sanitary and hygienic requirements must be observed both in the working room and in the toilet rooms of the building. First of all, employees should be provided with hygiene items such as toilet paper, disposable toilet seat covers, and liquid hand soap. Proper drying of hands after washing reduces the number of germs on the skin by 77%. It is recommended to use paper towels, which are placed in closed dispensers that provide reliable protection from dust and dirt. In addition, the dispensed towels are absolutely hygienic, because the visitor to the toilet room will touch only one sheet. Scott Essential™ Slimroll Disposable Paper Towel Rolls are made from highly absorbent material, effective and safe, therefore ideal as solutions for the washrooms of an office building. In combination with a dispenser, they provide an increased level of hygiene. The technology of full use of the roll, which is equipped with a dispenser, increases the productivity of the Slimroll system by 5%. Step 3 “Limited Touch” Environment The key to good office hygiene is to reduce contact with surfaces such as doorknobs, elevator buttons, and stair railings. Modern systems will help to cope with this: for example, the installation of automated doors with motion sensors. You can improve hygiene right now by providing enough paper towels and sanitizer dispensers at the entrance and in “hot zones” – high traffic areas. Step 4: Attention to employee health The procedure for health screening of those entering the office building will be another precautionary measure that will help to avoid infections in the workplace. According to the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, mandatory non-contact temperature checks have already been introduced in many public places. For the safety of employees and others, you can ask everyone to wear personal protective equipment without fail. The first recommendation that they try to observe everywhere is a social distance of 1.5–2 m. In the office, this rule must also be followed: a distance of at least 2 meters must be left between workplaces. All meetings and meetings attended by a large number of people should be moved to a remote format, if possible. If someone gets sick Step 5: Training Office Workers Training of cleaning service personnel should be organized: give them new instructions for additional cleaning and processing of surfaces and premises in the office. It is important to make sure cleaning workers understand how to deal with cross-contamination and disinfection in hot areas. In addition, cleaning personnel must adhere to a schedule of cleaning procedures and surface treatment with disinfectants and detergents. Reminders should be prepared for other employees and visitors to wash their hands regularly and thoroughly. In the toilet rooms and at the entrance to the building, visual information-instruction can be placed on how to wash hands properly and how important it is to wear personal protective equipment. Moreover, Kimberly-Clark Professional™ recommends supporting this idea with a newsletter through corporate communication channels so that employees can learn more about hygiene tips at work. Thanks to the measures taken, office employees will feel more secure.

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